Book Blurb: When self-made property developer, Niall, is attacked by vampires on his way home, his neat and ordered life soon begins to fall apart. His rescuer, the effervescent Mel, declares herself to be his Muse - better known in modern times as a Guardian Angel - and offers him a business proposition; she wants them to go into business as supernatural detectives.
Slightly sceptical to say the least, Niall eventually agrees to work one case with her - helped in no small part by his rather strong attraction to Mel.
Mrs Hart's house has been plagued by a series of deadly and inexplicable events, culminating in the death of a local boy. As they look into possible causes, Niall finds himself growing even more fond of Mel, although she seems determined to keep him at arm's length.
He discovers why she she is so reticent but that is soon overshadowed by the cause of Mrs Hart's problems; a foe so powerful that even the immortal Mel seems terrified!
Chapter One

Which is how come he
now found himself facing down two thugs in a dark alleyway.
As they approached
him, he tried to remember everything he'd heard about being attacked
but his thoughts were very scrambled. He seemed to remember that
playing dead was a good idea but did that mean he should just drop
where he was and pretend he'd had a heart attack?
The thugs were
moving closer, he would almost describe it as stalking, and he knew
that he had to decide on a course of action soon.
“He looks scared,”
the slightly taller of the thugs said to his partner.
“All that
adrenalin should make him real tasty,” the other one agreed.
Niall held a
placating hand up and took a step back.
“Hold on a second.
You can take what you want, just don't hurt me.” He took his wallet
out of his back pocket and held it towards them.
The thugs laughed
and though the alley was dark, Niall would swear that he could see
fangs glistening in the moonlight. He blinked and looked again. The
fangs were still there.
“I'm going crazy,”
he said softly.
The thugs laughed
again but it was cut short as one was kicked in the back and fell
forward, landing face first in a muddy puddle. His partner turned to
face the threat and earned himself a roundhouse kick to the face for
his troubles.
Niall began backing
away from the scene, now certain that he was insane. Five-foot blond
chicks in skinny jeans and four inch heels might be able to kick butt
on television, but this was real life.
As he turned to run
he felt a hand grab him, holding him in place.
“We're not done
with you yet,” the first thug said calmly. He pushed Niall into the
wall and ordered him to, “stay there.”
For reasons that he
would never fathom, Niall did as he was told and stayed put.
Both thugs had now
found their feet again and approached the woman from either side. She
didn't look at all fearful, just excited, almost as though she was
looking forward to the fight.
Thug number two
punched her with such a bang that Niall could almost feel the blow
himself. The woman just laughed.
“Is that really
all you've got?” she taunted them.
The second thug took
a swing at her but she caught his fist and twisted. Niall heard the
crunch as his arm snapped. He howled in pain and cradled his arm. The
second thug hesitated for a moment before deciding he needed to fight
to defend his friend's honour.
The woman blocked
his punches repeatedly but didn't move in to debilitate him as she
had with his friend.
The first thug
shuffled closer to the fight and tried to rejoin it. He raised his
leg to kick her, thinking that she was distracted by his friend but
she kicked backwards first, her foot connected with his shin and
Niall heard another crunch just before the thug screamed again.
“Fucking bitch!”
he exclaimed as he tottered on one leg before crashing to the
concrete alleyway.
The woman suddenly
dropped her defensive stance against the second thug saying “I'm
bored now. You can go.”
The thug again
hesitated for a moment before deciding that perhaps discretion was
the better part of valour. He collected his friend and together they
hobbled towards the other end of the alleyway.
When she was sure
they were gone, the blonde came over to him.
“Did they hurt
you?” she asked.
Niall couldn't speak
and even if he could, so many questions were begging to be asked that
he wouldn't have been able to choose one. In the absence of any
verbal clues, she turned him around and took his jacket off and began
running her hand over his arms and back.
“You'll have a few
scrapes and bruises but nothing serious,” she assured him as she
helped him back into his coat before she looked around for his
wallet, which he'd dropped during the fray. It was lying at the edge
of a puddle and she wiped it off on her jeans before she handed the
wallet back to him. He accepted it very gingerly, as if it might be
poisoned or something.
“I'm Mel,” she
said, holding her hand out to him.
Niall shook it
hesitantly. “Niall.”
“I know. Let's get
you home; we really should get some antiseptic on those abrasions.”
She put her arm around his waist because he was obviously in shock,
and helped him out of the alley.
“Who are you?”
he asked when his mind finally cleared enough to ask a question.
“All in good time,
Niall. All in good time.”
Niall hissed as she
ran the TCP soaked cotton pad over the cuts on his back.
“Don't be such a
baby,” she admonished. Niall didn't know what to say to that so he
clenched his teeth until she'd finished.
“All done,” she
proclaimed a few minutes later, taking the seat opposite him at the
kitchen table. “Drink your tea, you've had a shock and you need the
Niall dutifully took
a sip.
“So, now will you
tell me what the hell is going on? What were those things?” Now
that he'd had a chance to relax a little he knew that he hadn't been
dreaming. Well, either that or he really was insane and none of this
was real, in which case it didn't really matter if he sounded crazy.
“They were
vampires,” she answered calmly.
Niall thought this
over. “Vampires?” he asked, just to be sure. When she nodded he
continued. “So what are you, Buffy?”
“Not quite.” Mel
smiled. “I'm a Muse.”
Niall opened and
closed his mouth a couple of times before he settled on something to
“Okay. Whilst that
display was very inspirational, it's not exactly what I picture a
Muse doing.”
She shrugged. “Well
I could have given you an idea for defeating them, but the truth is
you probably wouldn't have been successful and it was easier to just
take them out myself. It was a judgement call.”
“And why were you
there?” he asked.
“Because you were
trying to think of a way out and you called on me.”
“How could I call
on you when I didn't even know you existed?” came his sceptical
“Doesn't matter,
you wanted me so I came. Just think of me as your guardian angel.”
“I think I need
you to back up a dozen steps here.”
Mel took a deep
breath and rolled her eyes.
“Fine. My name is
Melpomene and I act as a Muse to one person in every generation who
calls me. You first called me when you were seven and I've been
helping you ever since.”
“When I was
“Yeah. You were
doing a project on Culloden for school but you couldn't think of a
good angle so you asked the universe for help.”
“And you've been
following me ever since?”
“Ever wonder where
all those great ideas came from?” she asked. “All those great
gift ideas you have, the businesses, getting into property
development, taking a risk on that first dilapidated apartment that
could easily have bankrupted you before you'd even started. Choosing
those lovely sand coloured curtains last week instead of those bold
burgundy ones you were contemplating. I was also the one who told you
not to take that job with McPhee and Sons.”
“They were charged
with fraud two years later,” he recalled.
“Yep. I checked
them out for you and didn't like what I saw.”
“So why are you
watching over me?”
“Because you
called me.”
“Once, and that
was years ago!”
“Whoa, don't get
upset. When you called me you also tied me to you. I am your Muse for
life now. If you call, I have to come running. I was actually
enjoying a night out when you called, hence the rather inappropriate
vampire fighting outfit.”
“How did you know
“Know what?”
“What I thought of
your outfit?”
“Yes, I can hear
your thoughts.” Mel rolled her eyes.
'No you can't,' he
“Yes I can.”
“That was easy to
guess,” he said. 'This time I'm thinking about oranges and lem- no
pears, oranges and pears.'
“Oranges and
pears?” she shook her head as though upset with his originality.
'Oh God, there's so
many things I shouldn't think about, mustn't think about! What if she
hears about the-'
“Stop it, it's
nothing I haven't heard a few million times before. You can't shock
me, Niall, so don't worry about it. Besides, I can only hear you so
clearly right now because you're still pumped from the fight. Usually
your thoughts are much quieter.”
“Okay. Wow, this
is a lot to process.”
“I know. I'm
“Are there a lot
of vampires out there?”
“No. And most are
super nice, you were just unlucky that those guys were jerks.”
“Oh.” Lost for
words, he looked closely at her for the first time. “You're
exquisite, you know. Your hair is like spun silk, glistening in the
summer sun and your eyes are like the Mediterranean sea on a warm
summer's day.”
He frowned,
wondering where that had come from. Usually he would just say she was
pretty and had nice eyes.
“Sorry,” she
cringed. “That can happen around me sometimes. It's the whole
'Muse' thing. Turning off the flowery prose option.” She closed her
eyes for a second then grinned as she opened them. “Done.”
“Good. So where
were you this evening?”
“I was in
Niall did a double
take. “Chicago? How did you get here so quickly?”
“Like this.” She
disappeared. “Boo!” she said as she appeared beside him.
Niall jumped
slightly. “Don't do that.”
“You asked.” Mel
“If you can do
that, why did we have to walk home? Why didn't you just do the
poof-magic-disappearing-thingy?” Mel frowned. “I think maybe I
need to dial the flowery prose back up a notch.”
“No, don't. Just
answer the question.”
“Okay,” she
sighed. “I can't teleport anyone else so I had to walk you home.”
“You could have
just left me there, you didn't need to walk me home.”
“I know but I
actually wanted to talk to you.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. You've been
thinking about starting a new challenge but you're not sure what you
want to do yet, right?”
“Yes,” he
answered cautiously.
“Well I've been
trying to make it as a private detective and I think we should go
into business together.”
“Because, as it
turns out, I'm not a very good detective.” Mel frowned.
“Why not?”
“Because I don't
have any good ideas. I can't make that intuitive leap that turns a
good detective into a great one.”
“But you're a
“Yes, and that
means I can give you good ideas, not myself.”
“That doesn't
sound very fair,” he agreed.
“Exactly!” She
grinned. “So you will help me?”
“Now hold on, I
didn't say that.” Niall frowned.
“I can't believe
you!” Mel crossed her arms over her chest. “Everything you have
is thanks to me, your house, your investment properties, your
businesses, every good idea you've ever had was thanks to me. I made
you a multi-millionaire by the time you were twenty three and even
though you're at a loose end these days, you still won't help me?”
She stood up and began pacing.
“How do you think
it feels to spend your life at someone's beck and call, giving them
all their brilliant ideas and never getting even the slightest credit
for them? I helped create the Eiffel Tower, the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon, even the bloody pyramids were my idea but do you see my name
in any history books? No! You humans, you're all the same, just take,
take, take. Well that's it. That's the last good idea you'll get out
of me, Mister.”
“Now hold on, I
didn't-” but it was too late, she was gone. “Mel?” he called.
“Mel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I mean, come back, please.”
She appeared in
front of him. “Too late,” she said and she disappeared again.
“God, I hate
temperamental women,” he said softly.
“I heard that!”
came a disembodied voice.
Niall sighed and
rested his head in his hands. This night had been the craziest of his
“I am never
drinking again,” he promised himself.
Before going into
work the next day, Niall took a cab into town and stopped into House
of Fraser but for the life of him, he couldn't decide what to buy.
Karen, one of his
employees in his property development business, was leaving next week
and the money from her leaving collection had been given to him,
because he always knew exactly what to buy someone. Anyone.
Except for today.
Every now and again
he thought he caught a glimpse of that blonde pixie bob but whenever
he turned to look, Mel was nowhere in sight.
Sighing he put down
the pea green vase he was holding and walked from the homewares
department to the kitchen department. He was drawn to a microwave but
he knew an appliance wasn't the way to go. It was just so shiny
To avoid temptation,
he headed down to the floor below and was pleased to see the
escalator came out in the perfumery department. Surely he'd find
something here, he thought, smiling.
Thirty minutes later
he knew how sadly mistaken he had been. There was just so much
choice. Spicy scents and fruity scents, musky scents and sweet
scents. He just didn't know what Karen would like.
He picked up a
random bottle of perfume and lowered his head as he pretended to
sniff it.
“Okay, you made
your point,” he said softly. “Help me.”
As far as he could
tell nothing happened, he was still clueless.
“Mel, please, I'm
asking for your help,” he said, looking around to make sure that no
one was in earshot. “You're tied to me, remember, you have to help
“Wrong,” the
disembodied voice he'd heard last night corrected him. “Being tied
to you means I have to listen to your pleas for help, but I don't
have to actually help.”
“That's not what
you said last night,” he argued. “Mel, come on, don't be like
that!” he said, getting slightly angry. She was torturing him and
enjoying it.
The woman passing
him shot him a worried glance, wondering why he was talking to
Embarrassed, he put
the perfume bottle down and headed out of the store. He still had a
week before Karen's leaving party, he could pick something out
another day. And maybe Mel would have forgiven him by them.
“No chance,”
came Mel's disembodied voice.
Niall looked around,
wondering if anyone else could hear her talking or if it was just
From the department
store he took another cab to where he'd left his car last night and
drove to one of his current projects. The renovation was nearly
finished and now he needed to pick out the decorations for the
The site manager,
Billy was waiting for him when he pulled up outside.
They settled in the
Portacabin which served as a base for the workmen, and started
looking through the catalogue for the tiles to be used in the
kitchens and bathrooms.
Usually Niall had an
eye for decorating. He knew how to inject a little bit of personality
into his properties without making them too unique and putting some
buyers off.
“What about the
Ocean?” Billy asked, pointing to the picture of a bathroom
decorated in three different shades of blue tiles. They had been
browsing catalogues for nearly an hour now and Niall hadn't made a
single decision yet.
“No,” Niall
shook his head, realising that Billy was getting a little impatient
with him. “Look, why don't you get back to the job and I'll look
through these some more.”
“It's not like you
to be indecisive.”
“I didn't get much
sleep.” Niall shrugged the comment off.
“Well, we've got
to get the tiles ordered by 6pm if we want delivery next week,”
Billy reminded him, putting his hard hat back on as he left the
Portacabin and headed back to the building site.
Niall spent another
hour looking through the catalogue for inspiration but he just
couldn't make a decision. The mosaic tiles looked great but they were
very bold. On the other hand his next choice, simple black and white,
was too bland and maybe a little cold and clinical.
He sighed and
realised that he still had kitchen tiles to decide on, and
appliances, and cabinets...
He thought about
asking Mel to help him again but he was too proud.
Angry at his
indecision, he picked the mosaic tiles and left a note for Billy
letting him know which ones to order. The kitchen tiles would just
have to wait. He could afford for this job to overrun slightly so it
wasn't the end of the world if the tiles were late being ordered.
He went to check on
his other project to see how the work was going. He was grateful that
this time he was just checking up on the work and wouldn't have to
make any creative decisions.
The townhouse had
already been converted into six apartments but it had been decades
since any money had been spent on them and the building had been
boarded up for nearly five years, until Niall saw an opportunity and
purchased it at auction.
Right now the
plumbing and electrics were all being renewed and the floors were
strewn with debris. It was hard to imagine the finished product,
which was one of the reasons Niall got his properties so cheaply.
He finished touring
the building and left quickly, almost afraid that someone would ask a
question that would require a bright idea.
Back in his car, he
took his hard-hat off and shook his head at his own insecurity. He
was letting this situation freak him out and that wasn't like him. He
just needed to calm down and take a step back. Just because someone
had been giving him good ideas in the past didn't mean that he was
incapable of having good ideas himself. His confidence had just taken
a knock but he would bounce back, he always did. He ignored the
little voice that said he usually had help in bouncing back, even if
he hadn't known it.
Niall's home was a
detached house in the Grange suburb of Edinburgh. After he'd bought
it he'd had it completely redecorated, preserving the original
features while updating the overall look. It was far too large for
him but it was an investment as well as his home and one day when he
sold the property, it would be his retirement fund. It had seven
bedrooms, only one of which was used and downstairs it had a living
room, drawing room, library cum office, dining room and a large
kitchen, complete with stone floors and the requisite Aga.
The walls were
adorned with original art works, most of which had been bought as an
investment rather than because he liked them. The walls were all
painted a vanilla shade, which was a fancy way of saying light cream,
and the furnishings were complementary shades of beige, mink and
brown. There were a few splashes of colour but not many. Niall had
liked it five years ago when he'd completed the renovation but now he
was starting to think it was a little cold. And he was tired of
having to be so careful with food and drinks around his beige sofas.
When he was a kid
their sofa had been older than he was, but at least he had never had
to worry about spilling things on it.
He had enjoyed the
trappings of success once but as he got older, they were starting to
wear thin. How many Armani suites and Gucci loafers could one man
wear, after all? Wearing his Rolex watch to his work sites where it
could easily be damaged or paint spattered just seemed wrong, and he
hated the heavy gold bracelet his ex-wife had bought him because he
thought it was garish. Ever since they had separated, the bracelet
had been left to rot at the back of his sock drawer. Out of sight but
not out of mind.
Niall got himself a
drink and settled down to work in his office. After an hour of paying
invoices and answering emails, he stretched his arms above his head
and was pleased to be finished for the day, even though it was still
only 1pm.
He decided to brush
up on his putting skills and spent a couple of hours in his garden
trying to hit a tiny ball into a tiny hole. Golf wasn't really his
thing, it was too slow for him but a lot of contacts could be made
whilst playing a round of golf, so it was a necessary evil. He was a
member of the Merchants of Edinburgh Golf Club and he tried to play a
round at least once a month. He knew he should attend more of their
social events but he didn't have a steady relationship and usually
couldn't bring himself to go alone.
When he could stand
no more putting he went back inside, made himself a latte, turned the
kitchen television on and sat at the kitchen table. It wasn't until
he noticed that he'd just spent the best part of an hour watching
Murder She Wrote, that he realised just how boring his life had
He knew he needed
something else in his life. His businesses were such well-oiled
machines by now that they hardly needed him at all and he was getting
bored. He just couldn't find any opportunities that captured his
imagination. He would have to look harder he decided, and his mind
drifted to Mel's offer of helping her in her detective business. Now
that sounded interesting.
Still, he did have
dinner with Candi to look forward to tonight. He hated her name and
was pretty sure that she was a gold digger, but she was gorgeous and
he felt he owed it to her to see where the relationship went.
Tonight was their
second date and they were going to a small, cheap Italian that just
happened to be one of his favourites. It was just what you might call
a 'Mom and Pop' restaurant but they made everything themselves and
Isabella's secret pasta sauce recipe was to die for. In fact he'd
tried to buy the recipe from her many times, but had always been
gently rebuffed.
This was the perfect
second date restaurant because gold diggers couldn't appreciate the
good food since they were too worried about status. Izzie's Italian
wasn't a place to be seen, the menu told everyone exactly how
reasonable the prices were and the the clientèle was nothing to
write home about.
In the past, a few
women had been good enough to fake it, but Izzie's weeded most of
them out. Plus, he was looking forward a good home-cooked meal.
He picked up a Dan
Brown book he'd been reading and wasted a few hours embroiled in a
tale of deception, danger and intrigue in the Arctic Circle before
getting ready for his date.
Deciding what to
wear for dinner was relatively easy and he began to laugh at himself
for his earlier worries. He checked his reflection in the mirror and
was quite pleased with what looked back at him. He wasn't vain and he
was well aware that he was no Brad Pitt, but he made the most of what
he had. His dark hair was kept short and tidy but somehow it always
looked mussed. At university he had finally stopped fighting and just
decided to go with it.
He was about six
feet tall and though he wasn't muscular, he was of average build and
his expensive clothes helped him to make the best of what he had.
He finished the
outfit with black dress shoes and a cheap Casio watch, then headed to
the garage where three cars waited for him.
For work he usually
drove the Porsche Cayenne because it was unobtrusive for a four wheel
drive and it's spacious interior allowed him to transport building
supplies when necessary. Not that he ever needed to these days. Plus,
the interior would get all dirty if he did and he'd have to have the
car cleaned and valeted afterwards.
He also had a Porche
911, though he rarely drove it because it was too low set for a city
that liked its speed bumps as much as Edinburgh did.
The final car was a
Volkswagen Passat and it was his favourite because it was the first
one he had bought new, when he was 22 years old. It still had a
sentimental value and although it was getting on in years, he
couldn't bring himself to replace it.
The first time he
had picked Candi up he'd driven the 911; he wondered what she'd make
of him picking her up in the Passat tonight.
She was waiting for
him when he pulled up outside her flats but she didn't realise it was
he who had pulled over until he got out of the car. She looked
surprised but only took a second to recover before she flashed him
her brightest smile. He leant down and kissed her on the cheek then
opened the passenger door for her.
He had told her
tonight was smart casual but he noticed she had gone all out instead.
Her little black dress was very little, her white blonde hair had
been teased and sprayed to within an inch of its life and her five
inch stiletto heels could easily kill a grown man, if wielded
“Where are we
going?” she asked as he climbed back into the driver's seat.
“A small Italian
restaurant in town. It's a hidden gem, you'll love it.”
He noticed that her
smile never wavered and took that as a good sign.
“New car?” she
His spirits sank
slightly. “Old one, actually,” he said, choosing not to answer
the implied question, where was the 911?
“It doesn't look
“That's because I
look after her. This was my first new car, I bought her with the
proceeds of my first renovation.”
“She's special to
you,” Candi guessed.
“Yep.” He
sometimes wished he'd kept his very first car. It had been a
beaten-up Golf costing five hundred pounds, that had clearly seen
better days, but it had meant the world to him. It had been ten years
old when he'd bought it and fifteen when he sold it, but sometimes he
wished he'd held onto it. He'd made a lot of good memories both
inside of and thanks to that car.
“Here we are,”
he said a few minutes later as he pulled up close to the restaurant.
Candi got out and
looked around for the restaurant, her gaze sliding over the basic
exterior of Izzie's and moving on as she decided that couldn't be it.
As he went around
the car, he thought that he glimpsed movement behind him and turned
to look but there was no one there. He turned back to Candi, took her
arm and guided her to the restaurant.
Her eyes widened
slightly but she didn't make any comment.
Isabella's husband,
Alessandro, greeted him warmly and Niall introduced him to Candi.
They chatted for a few moments, exchanging pleasantries and catching
up. Niall noticed that Candi was carefully taking in her
surroundings, although he couldn't read her expression.
Alessandro then
showed them to a corner booth, took their drink orders and left to
fill them.
“What do you
think?” Niall asked her. Personally he liked the eclectic and
slightly worn look of the place, the scarred table tops, the
mismatched cutlery and glassware. It gave the restaurant a lived-in
Candi clearly didn't
feel the same. “Uh, it's okay, I guess.”
Niall tried to be
charitable and give her the benefit of the doubt. “Wait until you
try the food, it's the best in a hundred miles, at least.”
The meal was a
rather awkward affair as it seemed that Candi's only real topics of
conversation were celebrity gossip, films and reality TV. Niall was
quickly running out of questions to ask her. He also noticed that
Candi never seemed to ask about him, which either meant that she had
done her research and already knew everything about him, or she just
wasn't interested in him as a person. Perhaps she was used to men
falling over themselves to impress her and so didn't think that she
had to put any work in.
Either way, he was
fairly certain that this would be their last date.
When their main
course arrived, he gushed about the food for a while and insisted she
try some of his mussels but she didn't look overly impressed.
Dessert turned into
a mostly silent affair so Candi finally made a few attempts to ask
him some questions, just to fill the silence. Unfortunately her
questions sounded more like an interview than a casual conversation
and it was clear now that she had done her research, so he wasn't
really interested in answering her.
He had rarely been
more pleased to see someone than when Isabella came out of the
kitchen to say hello. He invited her to sit with them and they
chatted for a long while. Eventually Alessandro joined them as well
since the restaurant was beginning to empty out. By the time Niall
asked for the bill, his evening was much improved and he left with a
smile on his face.
As they reached the
car, Candi kissed him and Niall remembered why he'd asked her out in
the first place, because she was smoking hot! He considered sleeping
with her and it took longer than he was proud of to decide that it
wasn't a good idea. He disentangled himself from her and momentarily
changed his mind as he saw her flushed face. Then reality kicked in
“I'm sorry, Candi,
but this isn't working for me. I'll take you home.”
“What? Why not?”
she looked genuinely confused. Perhaps what he had just seen as a
date from hell passed as normal in her world.
“We're just too
different” he said kindly. “It would never work between us.”
“But why?” she
“Because I like
sitting in front of a fire discussing anything from politics to
philosophy but you like going out and having fun. I'd be a bit of a
downer for someone like you.”
“I like nights in
too,” she said. “Look, come back to my place for a coffee and
we'll talk.”
“I'm sorry, but
“Why not! You're
just a snob, aren't you? I'm too working class for you, aren't I?”
Niall took a deep
calming breath
“No, Candi, it's
because I like people with drive and ambition and frankly your
biggest goal is to meet David Beckham.”
She looked
devastated for a moment, as though it had never occurred to her that
some men might enjoy a woman who was an equal and not just a pretty
arm ornament.
Suddenly her
features hardened and she stood up straighter.
“Well screw you! I
don't need you, Mr I'm A Property Developer, Mr I'm So Loaded I Can
Have Anyone I Want. I'll make my own way home.”
She turned and
tottered away on her ridiculously high heels.
“Candi wait! Let
me see you home, please.”
“I'm fine!”
And then suddenly
she wasn't so fine anymore because someone had a hand round her
throat and was holding her off the ground.
I hope you enjoyed this sample. If you would like to continue reading, Bemused is available on and Amazon UK
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