Feel free to go read that saga if you’re up for it but it isn’t necessary for this post.
because of this incident that I’ve given this subject (how to ensure that reviews
are fair, without a knee jerk reaction) a lot of thought.
You’ll see some of my
earlier ideas in the comments of that thread. None of those were perfect (and
this probably isn’t either) but I believe it’s the best option to ensure
fairness for all parties, ie, reviewers, as well as the people, products and
businesses being reviewed.
reviews are a hot topic at the moment. People like Anne Rice are pressing for reviewers not to be allowed to be anonymous on sites like Amazon, while
reviewers on Trip Advisor are being sued personally, for leaving bad reviews
about establishments.
what’s the answer?
are a few things first that we have to admit before we can have a reasonable discussion about this.
1) People
do leave fake malicious reviews. Sometimes to get back at an ex (or his new partner in one case i read of), because of a grudge or vendetta, or just because they're trolls.
1b) As an
add-on to that, people leave fake good reviews too. More than one author has
been discovered anonymously trashing his competitor’s work, while praising his
own to high heaven.
2) Some
businesses (and authors and designers etc) will try to bully reviewers out of
leaving genuine bad reviews. I even read about a company recently, that had such a stipulation in their terms and conditions of sale, stating that buyers can't leave negative reviews! Some Trip Advisor reviewers are now being sued, as is one Yelp reviewer. I can't speak
for the honesty of any of these reviews but surely if some were malicious, the
reviewer would have removed the review rather than being sued because win or
lose, they will be out of pocket for legal fees and time. Therefore in all
probably, the bad reviews in these cases are most likely true.
3) The
final point we need to admit, is that websites
want your reviews. Sites such as Amazon actively solicit reviews, emailing
you a while after a purchase to ask if you want to leave a review. Other sites such
as Trip Advisor, wouldn’t even exist if not for reviews.
As for
that last point, it’s fair to say that reviewers are adding value to those
business by leaving reviews, either by providing a reason for people to visit
the site, or by helping other site users determine which products are best for
them (returns and/or complaints=lost revenue). Therefore those businesses should protect reviewers and pay for the defence if lawyers
get involved (or take out insurance to pay for the defence) and they should be liable for any damages
awarded. The business benefited from that review, therefore the business should
pay any damages due for false reviews.
fake review shouldn’t be covered (just like false insurance claims should be
denied) and therein lies the rub, weeding
the true from the false would require work on the company’s part. They
would have to buy or commission computer programs that would identify trollish behaviour
patterns; they would have to implement new procedures to make sure that users
are real people and not pseudonyms created to boost or discredit a business.
Finally, they would have to pay staff members to personally check at least some of
the flagged or suspect reviews and accounts.
But that’s the trouble with companies, they want your reviews but most don’t want the time, trouble and cost of policing that user provided content.
of asking for anonymity to be withdrawn, we need to ask companies (and legislators)
to take responsibility for the content left on their sites.
Until a
website will both protect its reviewers
and take responsibility for allowing
fake reviews (or not removing them in a timely fashion) we need to ask ourselves,
“Why am I giving this business content that adds value to their business, FOR
FREE, if they aren’t even going to protect me?” Think about that next time you
leave a review.

So put simply, these are my suggestions for improving the review system.
1) Make companies legally liable for
the reviews posted on their site
2) Make them protect their reviewers
when legally challenged
3) Make the companies legally (ie
financially) liable for refusing to remove fake reviews.
reviews are helpful to customers, and only the fake ones need removing. Good reviews
are helpful to customers, and only the fake ones need removing.
ETA: I'll give few author-specific examples of how this might work, which I hope will make the principle clearer.
This author's Michael Jackson biography was "review swarmed". In other words, before the book was released, MJ fans were planing and coordinating to target the book with 1 star reviews. The book didn't sell well at all and I believe that both the author and the publisher in this instance, have a pretty good case for loss of earnings from false and fake reviews, not to mention ample proof that those reviews are fake.
In the case of my troll reviewer, I didn't suffer any financial loss but I already suffer with PTSD (after being stalked by an ex). Being specifically targeted and threatened by that reviewer led to my symptoms worsening (things like flashbacks, insomnia, panic attacks) therefore if Amazon were legally responsible for allowing these reviews to remain on their site, I could have a case to sue them for mental anguish.
Charlaine Harris received an uncoordinated barrage of one star reviews, as well as death threats, after fans didn't like some of her choices in the last Sookie Stackhouse book. The same happened to Veronica Roth. Both those books were bestsellers so a case for financial loss is probably out of the question, but a case for mental anguish and emotional distress wouldn't be. (Please note, I'm not saying readers cant leave 1 star reviews, but threats and insults directed to the author are totally out of line)
It's very hard to sue individual reviewers though, especially if they post under a pseudonym. By making Amazon legally responsible for the content of reviews on their site, and liable to pay any damages awarded due to loss of income or emotional distress thanks to said reviews, I'm pretty sure their lackadaisical attitude to this issue wouldn't last past the first court case that went against them.
Obviously not every author who receives a fake review would have a case to sue for damages (and of those who do, some wouldn't be able to afford it) but with Amazon actively policing reviews and taking complaints about reviews seriously, I would expect that cases of harassment by review, review swarming and cyber-stalking will be drastically reduced, and dealt with swiftly when they do arise.
ETA: I'll give few author-specific examples of how this might work, which I hope will make the principle clearer.
This author's Michael Jackson biography was "review swarmed". In other words, before the book was released, MJ fans were planing and coordinating to target the book with 1 star reviews. The book didn't sell well at all and I believe that both the author and the publisher in this instance, have a pretty good case for loss of earnings from false and fake reviews, not to mention ample proof that those reviews are fake.
In the case of my troll reviewer, I didn't suffer any financial loss but I already suffer with PTSD (after being stalked by an ex). Being specifically targeted and threatened by that reviewer led to my symptoms worsening (things like flashbacks, insomnia, panic attacks) therefore if Amazon were legally responsible for allowing these reviews to remain on their site, I could have a case to sue them for mental anguish.
Charlaine Harris received an uncoordinated barrage of one star reviews, as well as death threats, after fans didn't like some of her choices in the last Sookie Stackhouse book. The same happened to Veronica Roth. Both those books were bestsellers so a case for financial loss is probably out of the question, but a case for mental anguish and emotional distress wouldn't be. (Please note, I'm not saying readers cant leave 1 star reviews, but threats and insults directed to the author are totally out of line)
It's very hard to sue individual reviewers though, especially if they post under a pseudonym. By making Amazon legally responsible for the content of reviews on their site, and liable to pay any damages awarded due to loss of income or emotional distress thanks to said reviews, I'm pretty sure their lackadaisical attitude to this issue wouldn't last past the first court case that went against them.
Obviously not every author who receives a fake review would have a case to sue for damages (and of those who do, some wouldn't be able to afford it) but with Amazon actively policing reviews and taking complaints about reviews seriously, I would expect that cases of harassment by review, review swarming and cyber-stalking will be drastically reduced, and dealt with swiftly when they do arise.
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